Saturday, September 14, 2013

Infant stage of life

Life stages
Birth through two years. Dependent, brain developing, learning motor skills and sensory abilities
3-9 years. Growing and mastering motor skills and language. Learning to play and socialize. Continued growth, formal school and organized activities
10-19 years. Growth spurts. Puberty brings hormonal changes and reactions. Strong emotions may rule decisions. Risks of behavioural and attitude
4.Young adult
20-29 years. Completing education and beginning career and family. Potential coping and financial pressures.

30-39 years. Managing family and career growth. Increasing numbers of couples are starting families in this stage. Continued coping pressures.

6.Middle age
40-60 years. First signs of aging and effects of lifestyle; menopause, children are leaving the nest, grandchildren arrive, career peak. Aging parents may require care.

7.Independent elder
Age 60 onward.More signs of aging and lifestyle effects. Eligible for government provided retirement and health care benefits or private pensions. Retirement, dicretionary time. Some health problems and medications. May care for others.

8.Vulnerable elder
Optional stage. Beginning of frailty, cognitive or multiple health problems. Require some assistance. Not able to drive. Possible move to Assisted Living.

9.Dependent elder
Optional stage. Requires daily care. Unable to perform all personal functions. Possible move to a nursing home.

10.End of Life 
Diagnosed with terminal condition or end stage of disease. May require hospice care, hospitalization or nursing home care

meaning of life according to Albert Einstein

“The life of the individual has meaning only insofar as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate.”

meaning of life according to islam

Life is a sacred trust from God and a human is a trustee who should handle the trust with honesty and skill, and with mindfulness of God.
   When God gives life, god give the human being with unique qualities and abilities, and charges the human with certain obligations. God means to help humankind fulfil the purpose of life and realise the goal of existence: to seek the pleasure of God in order to have eternal pleasure in the afterlife.

meaning of life according to science

life, living matter and matter that shows certain attributes that include responsiveness, growth, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction.

meaning of life according to my own

Meaning of life in a nutshell is start from we are born until we die.